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Conditionally Reprogrammed (CR) cell technology is a highly efficient and stable in vitro long-term culture system for human-derived cells, which is established by extracting primary tumor cells from patients' tumor tissues.

Primary Cell Culture Kit

Conditionally Reprogrammed (CR) cell technology is an efficient and stable in vitro long-term culture system of human-derived cells derived from primary tumor cells from patients' tumor tissues. Using this system to perform in vivo/in vitro drug sensitivity assays to predict the sensitivity of patients to commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs can not only provide a reference for the selection of precise chemotherapy sensitive drugs for cancer patients but also be of great importance in the study of drug resistance mechanisms. The primary cell amplification kit is a kit for amplifying primary cells developed by Lidl based on conditional reprogramming CR technology, which is a cell culture technology that uses tumor cells for effective amplification, and the CR-amplified cells (CRC) can be used for organoid culture, PDX modeling and pharmacodynamic studies.


Experiment procedure


Technical Advantages

Small sample size

A large number of cells can be amplified with only a small number of samples.

Preservation of tumor heritability

CR-cultured cells retain the genotype and phenotype of the primary cells.

Wide range of applications

Most tumor cells can be cultured in CR.


Live biospecimen banking.

PDX models and organoid cultures.

Drug resistance mechanism studies.

Drug sensitivity testing.

Individualized treatment trials for cancer patients.

Basic research on genomic, epigenetic, biochemical and metabolic changes in tumor cells and animal models of cancer patients.

Application Examples

CR application for PDX model building


CR application for organoid culture


CRC application for cell line establishment and drug efficacy study


List of PDX models from CR sources


Building a list of successful CR cells (partial)
